Varsha Shankar is a product, ai and data science professional with a background in Computer Science, Robotics and Business in Toronto, Canada. She loves building cool new products, experimenting with new ideas and bringing them to life!
Her hopes and dreams are plentiful! Here's a short list of a few of them
- Build awesome data products . She draws from her background in
- machine learning research
- data science startups
- Contribute to the space
sector. She
- volunteers with the Canadian Space Society - Managing membership and growth
- advises Spaced Ventures with their data and product needs
- participated and was an invited researcher in the Virtual Space Analog Missions at Habitat Marte
- Have a positive and meaningful impact through the work she does
She really likes learning - as evidenced by her three tenures at three different schools -
- MBA @ Rotman School of Management at University of Toronto
- MSE Robotics @ GRASP Lab, University of Pennsylvania
- BE Computer Science @ Delhi Technological University
When she isn't exploring something new in the world of science and product, she's usually out exploring the world. No travel is too small - the 20 km walk around the city or a city 2000 km away. She'll try every sport around, discover that she's awful at it, but will persevere for the fun of it. The few exceptions to this rule include swimming and frisbee (let's count that as a sport, shall we).
She's passionate about gender equality and mentors those starting out in their career as data and product enthusiasts.
For more details in a slightly more formal setup - check out my resume